Ministry Mastermind Group with Ron Luce

Implementing PROJECT 13 into your Church with a cohort of 11 other Senior Pastors and Coaching from Ron Luce

Ministry Mastermind Group Features

  • The Ministry Mastermind Group is designed for Pastors who desire and accelerated approach to implementing the Best-practices of Exponential Churches and want to take that journey together with 12 other like-minded early adopter Pastors!  Ron will be engaging your cohort each month via Zoom call and in person 2 times during the year as you gather to learn, refine your plans and build momentum.  This is a time Ron prepares for extensively to take latest breakthrough thinking in the accelerated pace of change and help you as leaders think through the implications for the Church.  You will be on the cutting edge of Future-Fit prowess as you receive regular updates of changes coming and how your church can benefit from them!

Thinking About Your Thinking

  • Extended training to be Future-fit, mastering strategic fore-site for your ministry
  • Latest trends that could affect your church
  • I give you the best of my current research on trends effecting the church
  • Updated technology advances that could impact church

  • Refine Exponential Church Principles To Your Church

  • Updated practices of Global Exponential Churches
  • 12 months coaching/consulting of implementation of Exponential church principles
  • Includes All Ministry Masterclass materials and bonuses
  • Personal interaction with me to ask about implementing while in Zoom with others for 12 months
  • Live Q and A with exponential pastors from around the world on Zoom


Build camaraderie and Learn from other peer Exponential Pastors as they implement in their churches. Not alone!!

  • 2 actual gatherings with Zoom peers over 12 months
    • 3-month Summit in Dallas for your cohort after completed Masterclass to map out next steps for next 9 months
    • 6-month Onsite visit of actual case study Exponential Church!

The Value of Ministry Mastermind Group

Normal One Day Consult = $5,000.00 x 12

Value = $60,000.00

Master Class Exponential 101 and 201

Value = $34,120.00

Total Value = $94,120.00

$549.00 Per Month x 12 =

Annual Investment  $5,940.00

  • Payable in 2 payments initial payment of ½ upon acceptance into program and second ½ after 90 days
  • Payment of entire annual fee upfront discount of $500.00


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Course Pricing

Mastermind Group with Ron Luce

2 payments of

$2997.50 USD

every 3 months

Join Now

One time payment for 12 months

$5590 USD

    • Personal engagement with Ron monthly via Zoom
    • 2 live events to meet with Ron and other Exponential leaders
    • Accelerated path to adopting Best-practices of Exponential Churches
    • Full coaching from Ron to Launch PROJECT 13 successfully!
Join Now